Monday, February 25, 2008

Speak Out

How many times in our life have we suppressed our true feelings and settled for a more diplomatic alternative ? How many times have we reserved our comments on trivial issues just for the sake of avoiding hassles in our everyday life.It's the common perception of people that leading a clean life corresponds to a controversy free life.When your friends ask you to rate their new dress or when your loved one asks you to comment on their cooking ,most of us would give vague replies just to avoid confrontation.
This trait is common in most people.It is the trait of being diplomatic.This can be brushed aside as an insignificant issue as we lead very busy lives to be affected by them.But is this really of any good in relation to the problems affecting our society?It starts of with trivial issues and then it brings us to a state of indifference.
Injustice looms in our society.It may either affect us ,or someone we know or someone we don't know altogether.In either way it should not be downplayed.Rules are made and are (supposedly) safegaurded by the same people who break them.On a personal note,I find it extremely disturbing to see people puffing smoke on near me at bus stands,obscene scriblings in railway coaches ,girls being eve-teased,animals being hurt for the sake of pleasure,etc.
The worst part of this predicament is that the public has become so indifferent to the situations around them that they choose not to react or offer support.They just want to get along with their daily lives as if nothing has ever occured.Can we ever forget the chilling incident in which two innocent girls being killed in broad daylight by a lunatic in front of bystanders.
It disturbs me to witness the apathy that some people have towards the need of others.The people who do speak up do'nt have it easy either.I have encountered many incidents where people ask me,'Tumhaara Kya jaata hai?' when I do speak up.I remember the time when I confronted a group of guys hurling stones at dogs. The fact that I may be a lone crusader only encourages them to question me.
The only way we can save this country is by becoming more aware and actually responding to the things happening around us .The only thing we have to do is 'Speak Out'.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I was just surfing when I came up to this post, hope you don't mind an opinion.

'Diplomacy' is, as you say, an inherent trait of humanity. The problem, though is not so much diplomacy as it is indifference, and the two are not quite the same. Let's say: Everyone is connected to everybody else by invisible strings. Diplomacy is the act of keeping the strings intact through minor difficulties, while Indifference is the act of staying neutral when somebody else is destroying these strings.
By 'speaking out' on every minor issue, one is likely to become the destroyer, not the conserver.

However, it is true that we don't speak out in so many situations that we can. with some effort, change. In these situations, of course, there is usually a natural deterrent. For example, if we are to take the witnessing of a street crime, a simple verbal threat from the perpetrator is likely to quieten any average familyman who saw anything at all. Fear, this is, not indifference. People don't like to be open with others, and showcasing one's fears is definitely not a good idea, so they disguise it with indifferent comments. And this fear is not only that of retaliation, sometimes it is of change, sometimes of personal beliefs.

To speak out is an option to but a minority, and this minority is never quite the group with any adequate power or control over the situation. It's too late, in my opinion, politics makes it too difficult for anyone in power to change the despicable state, and you or me, a common person, is unlikely to ever wield enough power to make a difference. Real life is not 'The Fountainhead'.

Good work with the blog, and good luck with the future.

Subhashree said...

I am very pleased to see your response to this post. Your opinion is valuable to me. I am aware that whatever I say will not be universally agreed upon but it is my individual reaction to issues which might be ‘Politically Incorrect’.

I agree that diplomacy is the manner of keeping our human strings attached. But I genuinely feel that it is best to try to convey the bitter truth in a very gentle manner, for the sole benefit of our acquaintances. The fact that they ask for our opinion shows that they value our views. By putting across suggestions in a non-aggressive way, one would not become a ‘destroyer’.

I agree that ‘Fear’ along with ‘Indifference’ cause the people to remain submissive in situations which matter. People are unresponsive when it is actually required to help out others in need, they don’t even speak out when the municipality does a shoddy job in maintaining public spaces. A recent survey showed that only 40% of Indians between the age group of 18 to 25 are registered voters.

It is true that the majority will not consider ‘Speaking Out’, at this point at least. But we can definitely try. And it is possible that more & more people would get influenced to join the movement. Hence, it is important for us to have hope.

On a personal note, thank you for replying to my post. It motivated me to think further. I request you to mail me your identity,(if you don’t mind) as I need to confirm my hunch.