Saturday, August 28, 2010

Perceptions of Life

My career has always been one of my top priorities. I continue to work hard on my career. But sometimes I do feel that for all the hard work I put in the results I get could be much better. There are people who don’t put in half as much work that I put in, plagiarize others work, make the best possible use of sweet talk and use many other shortcuts to get there work done. So what should I do about it. I obviously cannot stop them from doing what they do. So should I also feel that all the work I am putting in is meaningless. That's when I remembered one of the great Quotes of Rancho from '3 Idiots'..

“Never try to be successful, pursue excellence
Success is the by product & the result
Excellence always creates Success & it is a process of continual improvement
Never run after success
Let it happen automatically in life”

I then realized that I work for works sake. I enjoy being a designer & I work without any expectations of money or fame. After all these five years, I can now say finally become a Purist! It is not about the marks, its all about the self satisfaction I get when I create my baby. And believe me this has worked for me in the past one year. When you work on anything with utmost passion, It gets reflected in your work. And I am happy that today, most of the professors think highly of my work.

But then again, my colleagues aren’t too pleased about it. For every single praise I get from my superiors, there is lot of backbiting and gossip aiming to malign me. It used to disturb me earlier. But now, I just pity them. Whenever I see someone doing better then me, I get influenced by them and try to emulate their qualities. I now feel that I better now as I no longer feel depressed due to the loneliness induced by others, whom I earlier called friends. The positive part is that I could finally separate the wheat from the chaff and get to know the people who are true to me.

Its not the quantity of friends that matters. Its their qualities that matter. I don’t feel the need to change myself for anyone’s sake. Neither do I feel the need to conform to the trends. If people accept me the way I am , its good. If people don’t, its even better. Ultimately, each one of us is fighting his or her lone battles. It’s my passion that remains my ultimate driving force.